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Qualifications & Application for the Hall of Fame Award for

Meritorious Service

The Westchester County USBC Hall of Fame Award for Meritorious Service recognizes those individuals who have contributed to the reputation and progress of bowling in the area served by the Westchester County USBC Association and its predecessor associations.



To be considered for membership in the Westchester County USBC Association Hall of Fame for Meritorious Service, a nominee must meet the following criteria.  Qualifications must have been accomplished within the years stated for each.  Qualifications are:

        a)       must have been a certified member of the WCUSBC for a minimum of fifteen (15) years (which also includes membership in WCBA & WBA prior to the formation of the WCUSBC as we know it today)

        b)      must have been a certified member of USBC for a minimum of twenty (20) years, which also includes membership in ABC, WIBC, YABA prior to  the formation of USBC as we know it today

        c)       must meet the requirements set forth by the category achievements stated below



To be considered for membership in the Westchester County USBC Association Hall of Fame for Meritorious Service, any or all achievements attributed to this category are as follows:


Number of years served on the Westchester County USBC Board of Directors or its predecessor associations, or on a National or State association in the following capacity:


        •         President

        •         Vice President

        •         Sergeant-at-Arms

        •         Association Manager (or Secretary or Treasurer in predecessor organization)

        •         Director

        •         Committee Chair

        •         Tournament Director

        •         Delegate to National or NYS Convention